One Democratic Secular State for all its citizens in Israel and Palestine

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    Posted July 3, 2010 at 12:36 pm

    Gaza’s offshore gas fields could make it “new Dubai”

    There’s a detailed update on our story on the major gas theft from Gaza in this video interview with an energy expert who doesn’t mince his words. Apparently the immediate offshore gas is “a drop in the ocean” compared with great lakes of it that a fully sovereign Gaza could claim if Israel doesn’t get in first and syphon it all off with tricky sideways drilling. (There’s a complaint by Lebanon to the north of such behaviour already.) Meanwhile the stolen gas will be piped south to El Arish in Egypt and then piped to Israel, by-passing Gaza. So there’s lots more than politics in the chummy dealings between Israel and Egypt. This all goes straight to the heart of the sovereignty issues highlighted in our news story “Coming with Two States — the West Bank Blockade”.

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