One Democratic Secular State for all its citizens in Israel and Palestine


Horsetrading at the Talks

Posted 9:33 pm October 19, 2010 In: News

Strategies 1

Horsetrading at the Talks

Neither Israel nor the Palestinian Authority want to be seen scuppering Obama’s peace initiative before November’s US elections, (more…)

Using the UN and International Law

Posted 9:32 pm In: News

Strategies 2

Using the UN and International Law

The existing BDS movement is growing exponentially. But it is still a seed putting out its first shoots. This struggle could get a rocket booster (more…)

Rebuilding the Palestinian leadership

Posted 9:32 pm In: News

Strategies 3

Rebuilding the Palestinian leadership

OMAR BARGHOUTI comments that the PLO no longer meaningfully exists but does still have a seat at the UN. “We’re not going to give up that seat. (more…)

US students stand up to Zionist ADL

Posted 5:32 pm In: News

Join the movement for freedom, equality and justice, US students tell Zionist ADL

In France, Palestine rights activists have been prosecuted under anti-semitism laws; in Britain, the Methodist Church is being threatened with a lawsuit as anti-semitic for having invited members to support a boycott of Israel’s settlement goods; in the US, activists have been hounded by the police (more…)

Israel’s Apartheid: vague insult or legal fact?

Posted 4:15 pm In: News

Apartheid Israel: right word, right place, right time

 Some people can’t bring themselves to say or write “Israel”, putting it in quotation marks or referring to the “Zionist entity”: an understandable wish, (more…)

Is Israel an Apartheid State?

Posted 10:31 pm October 17, 2010 In: Documents

Who best to decide whether Israel is guilty of Apartheid than scholars from the country which coined the term and then succeeded in ending its own apartheid system? In a major study based on international law, the Human Sciences Research Centre of South Africa set out to examine the facts dispassionately, avoiding “political discourse and rhetoric”.

Frances ReMillard of ICAHD-USA has produced an invaluable summary that makes this comprehensive legal study easier for the lay campaigner to digest and use.

Is Israel an Apartheid State — Rhetoric or Reality?

Do Israel’s practices in occupied Palestinian territory, namely the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza, amount to the crimes of colonialism and apartheid under international law? (more…)

Defining colonialism in support of BDS

Posted 9:24 pm In: News

Statements, news and appeals come in daily from around the world marking the spread of support for BDS. Few have been as eloquent and authoritative as this statement by eminent scholar ANN STOLER

By Colonial Design

As someone who has worked for some thirty years as a teacher and student of colonial studies —  on comparative colonial situations, (more…)

Budrus in Jerusalem

Posted 9:00 pm In: News

Jeremiah Haber reviews BUDRUS in Magnes Zionist:

Seeing Budrus in Jerusalem

Julia Bacha and Justvision’s “Budrus” was screened last night at the Jerusalem Cinematheque, (more…)

The Settlement Freeze

Posted 10:56 am October 15, 2010 In: News

Settlement Freeze: about as face-saving as a false moustache

It doesn’t look good to be “negotiating” with thieves while they are actually, in plain sight, loading up your goods onto a removal van, so to speak. So while Washington manoeuvred, (more…)