One Democratic Secular State for all its citizens in Israel and Palestine


Ben Gurion’s fascist descendants

Posted 11:01 pm November 25, 2010 In: News

Israel’s fascists flourish in well prepared ground

The floodgates are open, it’s the tip of an iceberg, we’re on the slippery slope and this or that event has proved a last straw. Israel’s fascist right is calling shots (more…)

Mazin Qumsiyeh: Popular Resistance in Palestine

Posted 10:25 pm November 15, 2010 In: Readings

Popular Resistance in Palestine

Published November 2010 by Pluto Press

The Western media paint Palestinian resistance against Israeli occupation as exclusively violent: armed resistance, suicide bombings, and rocket attacks. In reality (more…)

One Democratic State Conference

Posted 9:53 pm In: News

One Democratic State: the Conference








The Conference held 22-24 October in Dallas marks a milestone for One Democracy and those fighting for Justice, Unity and Peace. It adopted a comprehensive Declaration outlining the legal and ethical shape of a single state for Palestine and Israel, (more…)

Vision of the Movement

Posted 7:04 pm In: Documents

Vision of the Movement for One Democratic State

Adopted 24 October 2010 in Dallas, Texas. Read the full text, and Sign the Declaration, here

  1. The entire territory of Palestine between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River is one country (more…)

Washington’s gifts to Netanyahu

Posted 10:08 pm November 14, 2010 In: News

Washington’s gift to Netanyahu — unconditional UN support for all time

Now more than ever we must urge Abbas: stop these surrender Talks. Read, sign and share our Open Letter to Abbas

Just when you thought the US mid-term elections were safely over and done with, easing the intensive pressure on the PA to return to talks, (more…)

Open Letter to Mahmoud Abbas

Posted 11:32 pm November 10, 2010 In: News

We ask Abbas:

Are you for the Palestinian struggle or against it?

ONE DEMOCRACY launches an Open Letter to Mahmoud Abbas from Palestinian and International supporters of human rights, justice, peace and democracy

We are writing to offer you our full support to walk away from talks with Israel, (more…)

A damning UN human rights report

Posted 11:00 pm November 6, 2010 In: Documents

UN Special Rapporteur: Two-state consensus a “misleading diversion”

From the transcript of an oral presentation made by Dr. Richard Falk, UN Special Rapporteur on human rights in  the Palestinian Territories, to the General Assembly on 20 October 2010 (more…)