One Democratic Secular State for all its citizens in Israel and Palestine


Prawer passes to rightist mob

Posted 9:24 pm December 22, 2013 In: News

Fight hots up as lies exposed and Prawer passes to rightist mob and indicted war criminal


“The first time since I have been watching the Middle East that the Israelis blinked, drawing back from the brink of more racist madness which would certainly have tipped the global balance against them.”

 For two weeks in early December 2013, Israel’s power centres looked weak and confused. There was talk of an unprecedented re-think of their planned new round of ethnic cleansing, with its impending legislation to destroy three dozen villages and evict their Bedouin citizens. And the international campaign (and this website) celebrated with the slogan “Prawer Did Not Pass”. (more…)

Prawer Did Not Pass

Posted 11:11 pm December 12, 2013 In: News
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Historic victory as plan for ethnic cleansing of Bedouin peoples is “shelved”

The withdrawal of the Prawer plan, which had been due to be confirmed into law in Israel’s Knesset in the next few weeks, is momentous: how long is it since the (more…)

Prawer Crackdown lights up Israel’s home front

Posted 12:19 pm December 4, 2013 In: News
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Prawer crackdown could light up Israel’s home front

People are saying the Prawer plan would be the biggest mass population clearance within Israel since 1948. In one move, Israel’s establishment has placed the issue of apartheid Israel at the top of the agenda alongside the military rule over the West Bank and the plight of the 1948 exiles. If there was anything at all left of the two (more…)

New Palestine Newsletter No.6

N E W    P A L E S T I N E    N E W S L E T T E R

No. 6: Special Issue on the battle against the “Prawer Plan” Bedouin round-up, outcomes of Nov 30 Day of Rage, and including downloadable print-ready PDF of 4-page leaflet (see Urgent Action below)

Prawer: an own goal for Israel or prelude to a showdown?

If the Israeli state wanted to provoke, politicise and mobilise a new generation of its Palestinian citizens, it could not have come up with a better idea than the Prawer Plan. Suddenly Israel’s heartland is alive with angry protests from one end of the country to another and in Ramallah and Gaza too, with the echoes of 1948 ringing out anew as a rallying call. (more…)