One Democratic Secular State for all its citizens in Israel and Palestine


Shministim: Hell No, We Won’t Go!

Posted 12:06 pm May 30, 2010 In: Documents

Shministim Letter 2009-10

“Inspired by generations of conscientious objectors in Israel and around the world, who opposed their governments by saying: “We will not fight your wars! We object to being enemies!”.

Shministim are school “seniors” or eighth grade teenagers facing army call-up. They will serve several prison sentences before finally being (more…)

Will Israel ever love One Democracy?

Posted 12:09 am In: Digressions

When will Israel come to love One Democracy ?

 Ali Abunimah: “Many Israelis, and their American Jewish supporters, are driven by genuine, visceral fear. … Palestinians need to refocus efforts to build a broad campaign based on universal principles. … They must reach out to Israelis with an inclusive vision (more…)

Report of Civitas project on Palestinians in exile

Posted 11:27 pm May 29, 2010 In: Documents

Palestinian refugee and exile communities in more than 25 countries demand their rights and discuss their needs and priorities in landmark report

November 2006

The Civitas: Foundations for Participation project, based at Nuffield College at the University of Oxford, announces the forthcoming launch of its report Palestinians Register: Laying Foundations and Setting Directions. This landmark report (more…)

Mustafa Barghouti’s next steps for the struggle

Posted 10:03 pm In: Documents

What we Palestinians need

An  outline of priorities for the Palestinian struggle by Mustafa Barghouti, general secretary of the Palestinian National Initiative

Palestinians have only two choices before them, either to continue to evade the struggle, as some have been trying to do, or to summon the collective national resolve to engage in it.

The latter option does not necessarily entail a call to (more…)

London, Madrid One State Declaration

Posted 8:39 pm In: Documents

The London, Madrid One State Declaration

For decades, efforts to bring about a two-state solution in historic Palestine have failed to provide justice and peace for the Palestinian and Israeli Jewish peoples, (more…)

Our 12 principles for One Democracy

Posted 7:31 pm In: Documents

Twelve Principles

If there is no viable re-partition of Palestine into two states, the best alternative is a political rather than a territorial peace. ONE DEMOCRACY proposes the following principles, which could be supported by (more…)

The Fifth Bil’in International Conference on the popular struggle, April 2010

Posted 6:40 pm In: Documents


The fifth Bil’in International Conference on the Popular Struggle

April 21-23, 2010

Closing Statement

The participants who included many high level diplomats and Palestinian politicians from across the political spectrum were welcomed to Bil’in by the head of the Bil’in popular (more…)

Adalah Constitution, Intro by Prof. Marwan Dwairy

Posted 6:01 pm In: Documents

Adalah: Legal Centre for Arab Minority Rights in Israel

Proposed Democratic Constitution for Israel

Introduction by Adalah Chairman Prof. Marwan Dwairy

On the tenth anniversary of its founding, Adalah is issuing “The Democratic Constitution,” as a constitutional proposal for the state of Israel, based on the concept of a democratic, bilingual, (more…)

The Olga Document for Truth and Reconciliation, for Equality and Partnership

Posted 5:29 pm In: Documents

The Olga Document

The following document, authored by Prof. Anat Biletzki, Andre Draznin, Haim Hanegbi, Yehudith Harel, Michel (Micado) Warschawski, Oren Medicks, was written in a series of meetings in Giv’at Olga, and titled after (more…)

2006 Ramallah poll on Single State

Posted 5:19 pm In: Findings

In 2006, Near East Consulting, based in Ramallah, asked 806 West Bank Palestinians whether they would support or oppose a one-state solution. 70.4% said yes.

Support or opposition to a one-state solution in historic Palestine where Muslims, Christians and Jews have equal rights and responsibilities






Valid Percent 

Cumulative Percent 






































(c) 2006 Near East Consulting. All rights reserved.


Learning the Nakba as a condition for peace and reconciliation

Posted 4:57 pm In: Documents


Learning the Nakba as a condition for peace and reconciliation

Norma Musih: The Jewish people in Israel, or at least most of them, live in complete ignorance or even denial of the Palestinian disaster that took place in 1948, the Nakba. (more…)

Thinking practically about the Return

Posted 4:52 pm In: Documents

Thinking practically about the return of the Palestinian refugees:  Eitan Bronstein and Norma Musih

Norma Musih: What I’m presenting here today is part of an article Eitan Bronstein and I wrote and published recently at Sedek 3. It’s a suggestion (more…)

Zochrot Conference on Right of Return 2008

Posted 4:39 pm In: Documents

Zochrot Conference on Right of Return

Introductory remarks by Eitan Bronstein

I am moved and happy to open this conference: “Towards Return of Palestinian Refugees: Practices, Strategies and Visions.“  This title promises a great deal, (more…)

Preparatory statement, Second Haifa Conference

Posted 4:27 pm In: Documents

Declaration of the Second Haifa conference For the Return of the Palestinian Refugees and the Democratic Secular State in Historic Palestine

Endorsed by the preparatory committee in its meeting in Jaffa, 9/4/2010

The Preparatory Committee

The preparatory committee is a group of activists and individuals from different political movements and parties, human rights organizations, civil society and various sectors of public life such as the arts, (more…)

The Exiles: by the Rivers of Babylon

Posted 3:45 pm In: Digressions

By the Rivers of Babylon

The Palestine refugees’ right of return is based on international law and supported by UN Resolution 194, which is reaffirmed every year by the UN General Assembly.

In the hallowed halls of the Two-State negotiators, return of the exiles to what is planned as the permanently rubber-stamped State of Israel has long ago been (more…)

But is it safe?

Posted 1:05 am May 28, 2010 In: Digressions

Race-hate crime and communal violence

In a recent survey about co-existence, around 40% of Israelis favoured it, with reservations about a range of issues such as educational standards etc. But when asked to put in order what their major concern would be, more than 70% (more…)

Binational? What’s That?

Posted 12:52 am In: Digressions

Binational? What’s That?

 Binational, the most common term for a combination state, is not a very useful word. It suggests two separate monolithic tribes with their own different politics, interests and ways of life, meeting to decide (more…)

Demography: Ugly Obsession or No Problem

Posted 12:24 am In: Digressions

Demography :  Ugly Obsession or No Problem at All

The preservation in Israel of a Jewish majority while at the same time keeping a semblance of democracy is the systemic puzzle that (more…)

Issues of Non-Violence

Posted 8:51 pm May 27, 2010 In: Digressions

Violence or non-violence?

Though Israel presents all its military violence as necessary self-defence, the fact is that the violent occupation has continued apace regardless of whether the prevalent Palestinian tactic has been suicide bombings, rockets, kids throwing stones, or peaceful mass protests, strikes, civil disobedience (more…)

Big Powers or Grassroots Power

Posted 8:23 pm In: Digressions

Big Power Politics, Grassroots Movement and the Third Way

Tony Judt:  Israel still comports itself like an adolescent: consumed by a brittle confidence in its own uniqueness; certain that no one “understands” it and everyone is “against” it; full of wounded self-esteem, quick to take offense and quick to give it. Like many adolescents (more…)

One in Five: Israel’s 2nd Class citizens

Posted 7:49 pm In: Digressions

One in Five: being 2nd class in a “Jewish Democracy” 

Jewish democracy: no better than a “white democracy”

“Do we want a Jewish Democracy (however imperfect) or do we want to rule over millions of Palestinians?”, asked an Israeli leftist. But a Jewish democracy is precisely why Israel is ruling over millions of disenfranchised Palestinians. A Jewish democracy is not just imperfect. It is a contradiction in terms, just as much as a white democracy (such as South Africa had) is a contradiction in terms.

The attempt to retain a majority defined by race inevitably leads (more…)


Posted 6:55 pm In: Action, People

The Ten Plagues of Israel’s Repression

Posted 6:36 pm In: Digressions

Repression: the Ten New Plagues

Israel’s current internal repression binge has 10 main features. Upping the ante has always been a feature of state Zionism’s armoury, but as it starts to go off the scale (more…)

The settlers who would share power

Posted 5:57 pm In: Digressions

An increasing number of settlers are opting to share sovereignty rather than give up their homes

The pressures on Israel of the 43-year occupation are causing some interesting cracks. Perhaps the most unexpected, though not entirely surprising, is a new movement of settlers that totally challenges existing prejudices.

Fed up with being blamed, and fearful of their homes and way of life being sacrificed, (more…)

The Two State dead-end con-trick

Posted 5:37 pm In: Digressions

The Two State Dead End Con Trick

“Only through the establishment of a sovereign, independent, viable, and democratic Palestinian state on all of the territories occupied by Israel in 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital, can a just peace be achieved. The Initiative calls for the implementation of relevant UN resolutions requiring the withdrawal of the Israeli army from the West Bank and Gaza and safeguarding the internationally-recognized right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homeland.”  Palestinian National Initiative

The Two State solution, to be serious, would create a viable contiguous Palestinian state, comprised of all of the West Bank and Gaza and with East Jerusalem as its capital. This state would have control of its own land, (more…)