One Democratic Secular State for all its citizens in Israel and Palestine


Breaking out of the Two State impasse

Posted 11:16 am July 11, 2010 In: News

Breaking out of the Two State impasse

1. A Serious One Year Plan

The Palestinian National Initiative and Fatah asked the Socialist International to resolve on a Palestinian state in one year. (more…)

Front Lines in the Two State War Process

Posted 8:04 pm July 9, 2010 In: News

Front Lines in the Two State War Process

People who respond to the ruination of lives and places, and the new punishments heaped thick and fast on Palestinians and their supporters, by demanding “a Palestinian State Now” are missing the point. (more…)

“Shadow over Israel” – Margaret Atwood

Posted 7:37 pm July 8, 2010 In: Readings

The Shadow Over Israel

Excerpts from an essay for Ha’aretz Authors’  Edition by Canadian novelist Margaret Atwood. Her visit to Israel, to receive a literary prize, was a disgraceful breach of the Boycott, and certainly many of her comments here are an attempt to rationalise that. (more…)

PA Treachery over Flotilla probe

Posted 11:33 pm July 7, 2010 In: News

PA Treachery over Flotilla probe

The UN Human Rights Council, based in Geneva, knows its onions on human rights. It was the HRC that commissioned the Goldstone Report. (more…)

The Challenges of a one-state solution

Posted 5:48 pm In: Readings

The challenges of a one-state solution

By Carlos Strenger

Israel would do well to apply some of the features of the one-state solution: to become a truly liberal, secular state (more…)

One State debated in Ha’aretz

Posted 5:44 pm In: News

One State debated in Ha’aretz

First, the Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin let it be known that he would rather concede the vote than re-divide the land. He was followed by another Likud grandee Moshe Arens, (more…)

BDS: the dangers of fudge

Posted 1:00 pm In: News

BDS: the dangers of fudge

The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement was initiated by a coalition of more than 170 Palestinian organisations. Commercial, military and cultural isolation (more…)

How far can it go?

Posted 10:31 am In: News

How far can it run?

Ma’an News Agency reports that engineering Students from the Palestine Polytechnic University at Hebron have built a solar-powered car as a graduation project, with batteries charged by PV cells or direct from mains. It can run at 30 Km per hour for up to 100 minutes, if it can go that far without hitting a checkpoint or roadblock.

Maybe Safe Passage can help. Gisha, the NGO which specialises in freedom of movement issues, has produced this interactive video game, in which a student, a family man and an ice-cream trader try to cross from Gaza to the West Bank. You pick a character and see if you can help them to get to their destination. Play, meet the real people and share with friends. When first launched the site was jammed as 30,000 people tried to access it. You Tube has a trailer.

A Righteous Jew

Posted 7:40 pm July 6, 2010 In: News

A Righteous Jew

Haim Bajayo was born in Hebron in 1935, and grew up there, until his family fled west to Israel in 1948. Unlike the Palestinian refugees of  ‘48, he can go back to his home and (more…)

At The Seaside

Posted 7:29 pm In: News

A day at the seaside

A day at the seaside with three girls could cost an Israeli journalist two years in jail. The girls, you see, were Palestinian, and the journalist had illegally (more…)

No Taxation Without Representation

Posted 7:20 pm In: News

No Taxation Without Representation

So many horrors are inflicted on Palestine that some pretty big things can just get overlooked. In a detailed article in The Nation tracing the record of civil disobedience (more…)

Little shifts, bigger shifts

Posted 7:11 pm In: News

Little shifts, bigger shifts

1. Equal Rights in Israel

Both the wording and the content of Washington’s definition of a future Israel have been changed, adding another challenge to the Two State “process”. Obama’s new National Security Strategy now defines the Israeli half of the deal to include (more…)

Gaza’s offshore gas fields

Posted 12:36 pm July 3, 2010 In: News

Gaza’s offshore gas fields could make it “new Dubai”

There’s a detailed update on our story on the major gas theft from Gaza in this video interview with an energy expert who doesn’t mince his words. (more…)