* Head of Civil Administration of the West Bank, to consolidate and expand their grip;
* Ministry of Justice, to remove or weaken judicial brakes on ethnic cleansing throughout historic Palestine, to give judicial protection to their militias and mobs, to repress Israel’s left wing dissidents and to bring Israel closer to being a police state; Read more…
Israel’s PM Bibi Netanyahu has broken up his ruling coalition after just two years, and forced a new election. The exciting news is that it might backfire and see his defeat. But what led up to this? Read more…
“We should recognise the Palestinian state as a reality. We would not be granting it anything; we would simply be recognising a fact.” Peter Lilley (Thatcher-era government Minister, speaking in the UK House of Commons debate 13 October)
A small earthquake in the political balance of forces occurred last week when the UK parliament voted almost unanimously to urge its government to recognise Palestine as a state. Read more…
Besieged Gaza, Occupied Palestine–We Palestinians trapped inside the bloodied and besieged Gaza Strip call on conscientious people all over the world, to act, protest, and intensify the boycotts, divestments and sanctions against Israel until it ends this murderous attack on our people and is held to account. Read more…
“The army, under government instructions, is embarking on hundreds of arrests and detentions, nightly raids on homes, closure of entire regions, arrests of journalists Read more…
“The army, under government instructions, is embarking on hundreds of arrests and detentions, nightly raids on homes, closure of entire regions, arrests of journalists Read more…
We have all encountered Israel’s petulant cry “why are we being singled out, others are just as bad”: this use of finger-pointing is most used in infant-school playgrounds, where small children will respond to accusations of wrong-doing by claiming that other kids are doing just the same. This tactic often works a treat when the accused is the favoured child of the head teacher.
Double standards do, of course, play havoc with standards. But they don’t make the accused any less Read more…