One Democratic Secular State for all its citizens in Israel and Palestine


Tel Aviv demo: “Free all Pollitical Prisoners”

Posted 3:46 pm June 20, 2014 In: News

Tel Aviv demo against crackdown says “Acts of oppression are not about finding the boys. Free all political prisoners!”

“The army, under government instructions, is embarking on hundreds of arrests and detentions, nightly raids on homes, closure of entire regions, arrests of journalists (more…)

“Acts of oppression are not about finding the boys”

Posted 3:37 pm In: News

Tel Aviv demo against crackdown says “Acts of oppression are not about finding the boys. Free all political prisoners!”

“The army, under government instructions, is embarking on hundreds of arrests and detentions, nightly raids on homes, closure of entire regions, arrests of journalists (more…)

Israel pleads Guilty at UN

Posted 2:41 pm In: News

Israel pleads Guilty at UN

We have all encountered Israel’s petulant cry “why are we being singled out, others are just as bad”: this use of finger-pointing is most used in infant-school playgrounds, where small children will respond to accusations of wrong-doing by claiming that other kids are doing just the same. This tactic often works a treat when the accused is the favoured child of the head teacher.

Double standards do, of course, play havoc with standards. But they don’t make the accused any less (more…)

Israel on the rampage, Gaza under threat, over missing boys

Posted 9:29 pm June 18, 2014 In: News

Israel on the rampage, Gaza under threat, over missing boys

In a sickening display of double standards, the suspected abduction of three Israeli settler teenagers from the Hebron area has been used to unleash widespread attacks on Palestinians, often (such as vindictive collective punishment of prisoners) having not the remotest connection to finding the boys. Palestinian sources report that the Israeli military is currently invading Bir-Zeit University while arresting students who are on strike on campus, in support of the hunger striking Palestinian prisoners.

Other reports speak of military forces also in Bil’in. Like yesterday’s invasion of the Al-Aqsa radio station, these actions of the military regime in the West Bank have lost even the veneer of a search for the kidnapped boys while showing the repression of a civil and political infrastructure which is struggling against the occupation.


Will President Rivlin become Israel’s FW De Klerk?

Posted 12:06 pm June 13, 2014 In: News
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Could President Rivlin become Israel’s FW De Klerk?


Israel’s parliament the Knesset has elected a new President. He is Reuven (“Ruvi”) Rivlin, arch conservative, privatiser, an out-and-out opponent of a Palestinian state and exponent of an undivided Israel. He also, according to polls, has wide public support. And to top it all, he is a lifelong fan of Beitar, the football team whose favourite chant is KILL ALL ARABS.

Is this more bad news then? Is he another ultra-right flagwaving crowd-pleaser? (more…)

Critical weeks ahead for Bedouin land resistance: support their Avaaz petition

Posted 12:48 pm June 4, 2014 In: News


News from the front line:

Critical weeks ahead for Bedouin land resistance: support their Avaaz petition

The next few weeks could be a turning point for the Bedouin struggle against mass eviction and for recognition of their land rights. But there are grave dangers too, as the ethnic cleansers prepare for a definitive eviction even as al-Arakib scores important legal advance. (more…)

Al Arakib’s Day at the Supreme Court

Posted 11:14 pm June 3, 2014 In: Documents

Al Arakib’s Day at the Supreme Court

Report by Kibush, Israel’s Occupation Magazine
More on Bedouin resistance in One Democracy’s Newsblog


Nuri al-Ukbi: `It would be a proof that redressing injustice is possible`

Israeli Supreme Court offers a conciliation process to achieve a fair solution on Bedouin lands case; state must answer in two weeks whether it agrees to conciliation on Araqib lands.

At the end of long deliberation at the Supreme Court in Jerusalem, the court suggested the holding of a conciliation process in order to reach a fair solution on the question of Bedouin land ownership at Al Araqib , northwest of Beersheba. (more…)

El Arakib goes to the High Court

Posted 1:05 pm June 2, 2014 In: News

El Arakib goes to the High Court

As El Arakib’s residents brace themselves for a brutal attack to evict them from the village cemetery, their last refuge and stronghold against repeated demolitions, Israel’s top human rights lawyer Michael Sfard is launching a legal broadside in the Supreme Court at Jerusalem, requesting it to overturn the judgment (more…)