One Democratic Secular State for all its citizens in Israel and Palestine


Why the law against Apartheid is clearer and more relevant than Occupation Law

Posted 1:40 pm November 16, 2011 In: News

Why the law against Apartheid is stronger stuff than Occupation Law

Six explorations
around International
Law, plus the
gate-crashing of
Birthright Israel’s
Reunion party

 1. “A single integrated regime”

“The Russell Tribunal on Palestine concludes that Israel’s rule over the Palestinian people, wherever they reside, collectively amounts to a (more…)

Freedom rides: a new front for civil rights

Posted 6:48 pm November 8, 2011 In: News

Freedom Riders: a new front for civil rights

Annexation of the West Bank into Israel is a constant threat by right wing parties wanting a “Greater Israel”. However abominable this may be, it would at least reveal the present reality in its true colours. (more…)