One Democratic Secular State for all its citizens in Israel and Palestine


After Israel’s elections, reasons to cheer

After Israel’s elections, reasons to cheer

The return to power of the same regime with a stronger mandate should have set the status quo in stone. Instead, the election has created important shifts in the status quo. One of these shifts is, indeed,  Barack Obama’s statement that “we can’t just in perpetuity maintain the status quo”. So what’s new? (more…)

Open Letter to Abbas: No Surrender!

Open Letter to Mahmoud Abbas:

No Surrender!

This letter, signed by 108 eminent Palestinians, was delivered by hand to Mahmoud Abbas on 10 April 2014

Mr Mahmoud Abbas
President of the Palestinian National Authority

5th of April, 2014

Dear President Abbas,

In view of the intense pressure being brought to bear on the Palestinian National Authority by Israel and the U.S. Administration to negotiate a final agreement which will claim to settle all past and present rights and demands of the Palestinian people, (more…)

As Israel and the US squabble and talks grind to a halt, PLO can come out fighting for its people

As Israel and the US squabble and talks grind to a halt, PLO could come out fighting for its people

One Democratic State for Israel and Palestine can be built from the ground up with myriad local and grass-roots initiatives. By contrast, negotiating a two state solution and repartition of Palestine can only be done by top-level diplomacy, a matter of pressures and threats, bribes and inducements, balance of forces and realpolitik. When that diplomacy breaks down it cannot be long before the attempt is finally abandoned. (more…)