“The Russell Tribunal on Palestine concludes that Israel’s rule over the Palestinian people, wherever they reside, collectively amounts to a (more…)
Annexation of the West Bank into Israel is a constant threat by right wing parties wanting a “Greater Israel”. However abominable this may be, it would at least reveal the present reality in its true colours. (more…)
As the diplomatic trick with smoke and mirrors at the UN, intended to create the illusion of a Palestinian state, clears away, it reveals the same picture as before, with a few small changes to the frame. (more…)
Apart from stoning and beating little kids on their way to school, (more…)
At not more than 15 days from the UN General Assembly (more…)
Mark Twain once asked, on hearing news of the death of a less than dynamic US politician, “how did they know he was dead?”. What we are now asking (more…)
As the September UN vote in New York approaches, Palestinian responses have sharply diverged.
1. The Last Push for Recognition
Possibly millions of people have been signing petitions, pressuring their (more…)
“Stay on the streets, keep the tents going, refuse Reserve call-up, march as usual on Saturday” — Tent 1948
Wednesday night (Aug 17) a first meeting of its kind was held by activists who have decided to facilitate an encounter of the ‘tent struggle’ movement and ‘Palestinian September’. (more…)
Stories from the Fringe
While it’s easy to decry the insistent shunning of “politics” that leads this movement, there’s plenty to find and celebrate if you rummage around. Noam Sheizaf writes in +972 that though it doesn’t touch the big questions of the occupation (more…)
Israel’s social protest movement continues, generating a huge amount of energy and creativity, but not nearly as much clarity or ambition.
By limiting their “revolution” to economic demands and a vaguely articulated welfare state, the organisers based on Rothschild in Tel Aviv were able to appeal to some 90% of Israeli society, which include a large number who voted for Natanyahu, Barak and Lieberman: “Bibi go home” is (more…)
The Arab Spring was commonly said to have crashed the Fear Barrier: they knew they hated their regimes, but had been terrified to speak out. In Israel, members of the dominant Hebrew sector have lived in blinkers rather than in fear. When 150,000 marched last week, all across the country, Israel crashed its Bullshit Barrier. (more…)
Norway’s message:
The shocking and tragic events in Norway have provoked a divided reaction. Most commentators have expressed on all our behalf a universalist horror against the racism (more…)
Israel has seen in the past week a massive mobilisation with tent cities all over the country, demonstrations backed by thousands, and sit-in protests blocking busy road junctions. Despite concessions from a government that’s keen to buy them off, the protests are growing and have called for a (more…)
The last attempt to re-start Two State negotiations has failed. The big power Quartet (UN, EU, US and Russia) met in Washington on 11 July, planning to offer one good thing to each side to entice them to go further. But it wasn’t theirs to offer. (more…)
A London One State Initiative is to be formed, to promote discussion and action on the politics of a single state in all of Palestine. A small nucleus has met to plan an inaugural meeting on 18 August in central London.
The group was brought together by the Palestine Justice Network. The founding members included activists in the BDS campaign and ISM. Having a group “on the ground” will help to make our presence visible at meetings and events.
The group decided to work towards a public meeting in the Autumn with prominent speakers to expound the arguments and theory of the single state and to take stock after the September showdown at the UN over Palestinian statehood.
On the eve of the Knesset’s new law penalising calls for boycott, London’s arts centre at the South Bank hosted a prestige debate on “Why Boycott Culture?”.
Organised by English PEN, it asked (more…)
The big guys (UN, EU etc) are meeting in Washington on 11 July to map out a “peace plan” based on Obama’s 19th May speech, in the hopes of forestalling the PA move for recognition at the UN in September.
Apparently the PA’s UN resolution also quotes from the Obama speech, which contained enough contradictions to keep (more…)
Our friend is off to Tel Aviv. He writes:
For years I’ve felt ashamed at the way my Palestinian friends, and their Western wellwishers, have been humiliated, intimidated and dehumanised when trying to (more…)
“Any act of rebellion, any physical defiance … anything that seeks to draw the good to the good, nourishes our souls and holds out the possibility that we can touch and transform the souls of others. Hope affirms that which we must affirm, and any act that imparts hope is a victory in itself.” Chris Hedges
What started with one brave woman is now on its way to being a movement. The one woman was Ilana Hammerman, Israeli writer who decided to defy Israel’s control on Palestinians’ freedom of movement.
The Occupation allows half a million citizens of Israel, who can vote in national elections and have full infrastructure, material subsidies, services and clear, open roads, to live (more…)
Picket in support of US dockworkers refusing to unload Israeli goods
Germany, France and Britain working to make Obama speech into official UN policy
Both sides are putting in place their preparations for the big Palestine recognition vote in September at the UN General Assembly.
Israel has cancelled diplomatic leave for the month, clearly set its goals and arguments, and told its police to prepare for mass arrests in September. (more…)
A Quartet-backed move to head off the UN Palestine vote has now come from France, which has proposed yet another Peace Conference.
This might have been a fitting initiative if Netanyahu had just gone to Washington and indicated flexibility, or willingness (more…)
The clock is ticking towards September, when the PA leaders will mark 20 years of fruitless “two state peace process” by going to the UN and demanding that a Palestine state is recognised NOW, with the borders as they stood before Israel’s June 1967 invasion. That so many countries have promised their support is a sign that they, too, think that enough is enough.
Our initial reaction, along with many others prominent in the One State movement, (more…)
It’s just a year since this site, advocating for One Country in Palestine and against the Two State cul-de-sac, was first posted. What a year it’s been! (more…)
We, as the descendents of the Jewish communities of the Arab and Muslim world, the Middle East and the Maghreb, and as the second and third generation of Mizrahi Jews in Israel, are watching with great excitement and curiosity the major role that the men and women of our generation are playing so courageously in the demonstrations for freedom and change across the Arab world. (more…)
You’d think that the Peace Process was over. You’d think that Oslo would be dead. You’d be forgiven for thinking that the Two State Solution had been cremated, its ashes buried under a building site on heat, (more…)
The fallout from the Palestine Papers had hardly hit the ground before the ground itself moved. The final day of Al Jazeera’s presentation of its cache of leaked documents exposed in graphic detail the security collaboration between Israel and the Palestine Authority, created and groomed as Israel’s sub-contractor. By then, all eyes were on Tahrir Square. (more…)
In Gaza, Palestinians joined the party on the night of Fri 11 with almost as much wild joy as Egyptians themselves. (* See Notes below) It might have been the first moment of collective happiness after all the violence, hardship and sorrow they have gone through.
And it wasn’t just about getting the siege lifted — which, as long as the Egyptians don’t get double-crossed, should be beyond question. The Treaty with Israel, even if it’s renewed, says nothing about starving Gaza. See Ali Abunimah in Notes, below**. And to speed it up, on Saturday 26 Feb an international march from Egypt will go there to open it. (more…)
Arabs do “get it”
♦♦ Egyptians are so proud. And we are proud for them. They gave us the answer to the racist prejudices that “Arabs have their specific culture, they don’t get it”. Well, they got it. This is universalism and it’s the best argument against all that trash about clash of civilisations. (more…)
In the classic, time-honoured revolution there would be a storming of the radio station. In Cairo, the staff simply locked out the pro-regime bosses and editors of their papers. Now the Cabinet has relocated: Tahrir Square was too close for comfort, and the nearby parliament building is blockaded. With the Square filling up, there is now a list of other places to go: the Parliament building, the state TV, and now maybe a choice of workers’ sit-ins. (more…)
Barely a news report or panel of pundits passes without the Big Question coming up: will the “largest opposition party” the Muslim Brotherhood “take over”? (more…)
“WE ARE in the middle of a geological event. An earthquake of epoch-making dimensions is changing the landscape of our region. Mountains turn into valleys, islands emerge from the sea, volcanoes cover the land with lava. … what is happening now in Egypt will change our lives. “ — Yuri Avneri
This is not just about dominoes, nor just about Israel and Palestine (as Avneri goes on to say). If Egypt comes out of this as a vibrant democracy, (more…)
Yesterday, 2nd Feb, it looked like a classic counter-revolution: on the night of Day 8, Mubarak said he would only stay until September, a statement calculated to divide the rebels’ support (“why go on with the chaos for the sake of just six months?” the gullible were asking); the “soft-cop” army said: you’ve made your point, now go home. And the hard-cop government-hired thugs and plain-clothes police, (more…)
“The release into the public domain of these documents is such a landmark because it destroys the final traces of credibility of the peace process.” Karma Nabulsi
The Palestine Papers will shake a lot of things loose. How they re-assemble is now the crucial question. One Democracy looks at some of the immediate effects of the Palestine Papers and proposes a 5-Step Plan to reconstitute a Palestinian leadership and decide on its direction. (more…)
It was more valuable by far than the symbolic recognitions of a notional Palestinian state with its capital in East Jerusalem: it was a set of proposals by the EU’s missions (more…)
Mazin Qumsiyeh, author of Popular Resistance in Palestine, writes in his newsletter
As people around the world evolved beyond dictatorship and racism, we in the Arab world will too … (more…)
“The essential problem that has not been solved is the dispossession of the Palestinian people. And you put it right by returning them to the land they came from. That is how you end the conflict. … What we are talking about is one state. The only and the ultimate aim has to be to return Palestine to what it was. Palestine was one state and we want that to happen again, and we are against dividing up our homeland and our country” (more…)
An international petition has been set up to support Desmond Tutu against an onslaught by the Israeli Ambassador to South Africa and the South African Zionist Federation. Just as they ganged up on eminent South African judge Richard Goldstone when he found Israel guilty of war crimes in Gaza (an attack so vindictive (more…)
Four South American countries have now added their voices to recognise a notional Palestinian state. Five others are tipped to follow, including Chile which has the largest Palestinian population outside the Arab world. What is this about, and how does it impact on the fight for a single state? (more…)
Speaking in London a month after reporting on Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories to the UN General Assembly:
The Palestinian issue, Dr. Falk told his audience, has risen to the status of the pre-eminent moral struggle of our time. And for the first time, the Palestinians have the high moral ground and are now seen around the world as the victims. (more…)
A reporter on the KPFT Radio for Peace, a liberal beacon in US media, was sacked for saying that “the Jews” have too much media influence. Rattled by accusations of anti-semitism, KPFT went on to arrange for Israel’s local diplomatic mission to have a regular slot to promote itself as “The Voice of Peace”. (more…)
By Alex Pushkin
I was in the middle of reading Menachem Klein’s new book The Shift when I happened to see a TV programme in which a historian took us on a conducted tour of a Victorian workhouse. Her description of the notoriously grim regime of separation (more…)
In another propaganda coup for the Jewish democracy, the mayor of the predominantly Jewish new town of Nazareth Illit (Upper Nazareth) has banned Christmas trees from the town square. Mayor Shimon Gapso announced. “Nazareth Illit is a Jewish town, not a mixed town, and it will not (more…)
It’s official. The talks are dead. They died NOT because of the direct talks format, but because there isn’t the will in Israel for an end-of-conflict agreement based on two states, in any shape or form. (more…)
The coming year will see the transition from the Two State template. Somehow the last-ditch moves for a deal are hardly getting noticed, and in Israel the end of the talks was scarcely reported. (more…)
The Palestinians of Jerusalem have lost many rights. Thousands have lost the right to live there, and hundreds are losing their homes to ultra-Zionist squatters and master plans aimed at racial division of the city. But one surprising right remains: (more…)
There are those who argue, probably with the best intentions, that Palestinians need their own economy: in a single state, the argument goes, (more…)
BBC World Service recently ran a major feature on the rise of anti-semitism, but somehow it all seemed to be about Israel.
Writer Howard Jacobson complained that the word “massacre” had been misused against Israel over Operation Cast Lead, rather than “fight”: one might query this as a misuse, considering that Israel lost seven dead while (more…)
Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh just called a rare press conference to announce that if a deal made with Israel by the Fatah-led PA was approved in a Palestine referendum, Hamas would accept the result. (more…)
The floodgates are open, it’s the tip of an iceberg, we’re on the slippery slope and this or that event has proved a last straw. Israel’s fascist right is calling shots (more…)