One Democratic Secular State for all its citizens in Israel and Palestine


After the UN, “Equality Struggle Ahead”

Posted 12:36 am August 30, 2011 In: News

After the UN, “Equality Struggle Ahead”

As the September UN vote in New York approaches, Palestinian responses have sharply diverged.

1. The Last Push for Recognition

Possibly millions of people have been signing petitions, pressuring their (more…)

We will be a Jewish-Arab People!

Posted 5:29 pm August 19, 2011 In: News

“Stay on the streets, keep the tents going, refuse Reserve call-up, march as usual on Saturday”Tent 1948

Tent Struggle to Meet Palestinian September

 Wednesday night (Aug 17) a first meeting of its kind was held by activists who have decided to facilitate an encounter of the ‘tent struggle’ movement and ‘Palestinian September’. (more…)

Israel’s Protests: Part 2, the Fringe

Posted 2:01 pm August 15, 2011 In: News

Israel’s Protests Part 2: the revolution inside the Revolution

Stories from the Fringe

While it’s easy to decry the insistent shunning of “politics” that leads this movement, there’s plenty to find and celebrate if you rummage around. Noam Sheizaf writes in +972 that though it doesn’t touch the big questions of the occupation (more…)

Israel’s protests Part 1, a tragic wasted chance

Posted 11:19 am In: News, Uncategorized

Israel’s protests Part 1: a tragic wasted chance

Israel’s social protest movement continues, generating a huge amount of energy and creativity, but not nearly as much clarity or ambition.

By limiting their “revolution” to economic demands and a vaguely articulated welfare state, the organisers based on Rothschild in Tel Aviv were able to appeal to some 90% of Israeli society, which include a large number who voted for Natanyahu, Barak and Lieberman: “Bibi go home” is (more…)

Has Israel Crashed Its Bullshit Barrier?

Posted 1:05 am August 1, 2011 In: News

Has Israel Just Crashed Its Bullshit Barrier?

The Arab Spring was commonly said to have crashed the Fear Barrier: they knew they hated their regimes, but had been terrified to speak out. In Israel, members of the dominant Hebrew sector have lived in blinkers rather than in fear. When 150,000 marched last week, all across the country, Israel crashed its Bullshit Barrier. (more…)